Month: July 2015

Back to Blighty

After a week away in gorgeous Oslo, basking in the sun and swimming in the fjord. Despite it being colder here than the much more northern there, most of my stuff has put on a massive growth spurt while I was away. My waterers have done brilliantly, and the rain […]

Powering through that list

….well maybe not, but some of it is crossed off! My long-suffering oca is now out and in the ground. There are 2 left over and Andie has said that she will give them a home (phew!). I am looking forward to seeing the huge amount of foliage appearing, and […]

Still no real rain.

My twice-weekly drenching of the plots does seem to be working though. I’ve got myself more organised – not been on top form for a few days and I can’t move fast so this is needed to make up some ground! There is a list of things to do on […]

I seem to be spending all my time watering these days, which eats into the time I have to do things on the plot, with a lot more still to do before I throw in the trowel for the season. With a lot of effort the green bed has been dug […]


Everything’s put on a growth spurt in the heat – the Purple Ukraine tomato in the greenhouse is already nearly as tall as me, and I’m not short! For next year I really should mulch the beds. They are so dry they are forming a crust on top and it is taking […]

The sun has got his hat on…

Not that I can stay out in it for long. My walking around has slowed to an ‘it’s really hot!’ shuffle. Both plots had a watering early this morning and I can see the slugs are back and interested in my newest beans. Slug pellets have been deployed, though sadly […]