Month: May 2014

Comfrey and winter veg calculations

My 4 comfrey babies arrived yesterday in useful looking plastic tubes. They are now in pots in the kitchen, getting used to their brave new world. Potted on all the french and borlotti beans, pricked out umpteen basil seedlings and ate the rest when I got bored. Also pricked out […]

Too much weather

Yesterday was so hot I got a bit wobbly from being in the sun, and today it was raining by 5am and still hasn’t stopped. On Sunday I set up […]

Early starts

I’m starting early working at the plot – it’s so much cooler then and I have the place to myself until the early waterers drift in from about 7am. I have some amazing-looking brassicas from a friend – they make my seedlings look awfully scrawny! Finished sorting the trellis, which had […]

Happy skipper

The public loos near me have been sold off and are being converted into a cafe. (because Surbiton really needs another cafe within spitting distance of the other umpteen…) But it means I have found some odd lengths of wood, some ceramic cubes and some bricks in their skip.  The […]

Mad dogs and allotmenteers…

I’ve had to invest in some allotment hot weather gear – linen long-sleeved shirts and a natty stetson-style hat. One of the guys keeled over yesterday – one minute upright and being bossed by his wife, then next on all fours being sick. It gets H.O.T. on the site and […]

Must. Find. Netting.

I know it’s in the shed somewhere, and I’ve found all the brassica netting. I just cannot put my fingers on the bird netting for the strawberries. I can see that the birds are having a pop at the unripe redcurrants (which are with the strawbs) so if I want […]

Allotment no-no?

Popped up post-work last night for an aspirational digging session. I had to spend about 20 minutes in the car waiting for the rain to stop – obviously praising myself for my commitment on a Monday night. I did do a bit of digging as well as pottering about and […]

Surprisingly pleasant digging

Oh I am tired! Double dug 2.4m of the new 4.8m purple bed. Apart from the tree roots it was actually a lot easier than some of the others have been. There are very few weeds and the soil is quite crumbly, though very clay-ey underneath. Half the remainder was […]