Month: February 2015

And we’re off!

I’m back from Amsterdam and can now fire up the propagator. Sown today: 4 Tsygansky Baron pepper, 4 Lipstick peppers, 12 Padron peppers, 4 Big Jim (didn’t germinate last year, fingers crossed!), 4 Hot Fish, 5 Royal Black, 4 Joe’s Long, 4 Lemon Drop, 5 Aji Fantasy, 5 Piquante/Pepperdew, 4 […]


What an ab-so-lutely glorious day! Full-on sun and it felt (however fleeting it might be) that Spring is just around the corner. The sun flushed everyone out onto their plots for repairs & prep. It was nice to see people and have a brief chat. The bees were all out […]

Choices, choices

This week was Committee meeting. Lots of interesting stuff. Including that we have a larger number of vacant plots than normal, so I’ve got to the point of having a chance at a second plot. That’s 3 years’ wait this time rather than my initial 5+ years. I’m not going to attempt […]

Squash review – rouge vif d’etamps

The whopper was roasted last night, though annoyingly I forgot to take pictures of any of the process. They are much thinner-fleshed (relative to their size) than any of the others so far, with a huge cavity in the middle, which was a little disappointing. Will try to remember to […]

Moving mature gooseberries

My Mum’s back garden has always been a treasure trove for berries. I gave her at least one of the bushes as a twig when I was little and they are all still going strong over 30 years later. She just doesn’t want most of them anymore. It’s been much […]