Month: April 2014

In the doghouse…

Him Indoors has spotted the green paint. Pointed comments have been made. Compounded my error by leaving the soil-covered sweetcorn forks I use to prick out seedlings in a spot where they could be mistaken for being clean. Luckily he saw the compost before putting fork & melon in his mouth… […]

Allotmenteering between the showers

My sweetpeas are now in, with borage seedlings at their feet. I’ve also put in a short row of golden beetroot, after reading that garlic shouldn’t be grown anywhere near peas. So that’s me needing something of a rethink on where to stick the petit pois! The birds are yomping […]

I’ve delivered 50-odd strawberry runners to the school, and am growing them some courgettes and squash. They have done a lot since I was last there: set up some beds, cleared a lot of tarmac, built a shed and a fence, and got their compost space ready. On the plot […]

Yep, butt’s full.

As predicted, the water butt is full again. The plot’s covered in standing water, but there is still a lot I can get on with till digging recommences, like sorting out the path inbetween the new beds. And potting up the strawberry runners for the school/elsewhere on my plot. I’m leaving […]

New bed

Well, the purple bed frame is now finished. I had to saw through some tree roots which were in the way – they went too deep to get out with the mattock without digging a gurt big pit. Had to tidy the shed a bit to find the saw. Now […]

Is it dead?

My lesson today: I brought a tiny pomegranate seedling back from Paolo’s garden in Rimini last year. All its leaves fell off and as it looked dead I chucked it to the bottom of the shed. I saw it by chance today and noticed new leaves on the tiny stem. […]

Early onset panic

Sometimes allotmenteering isn’t all that fun. I am so behind on the bed prep. And Nature is choosing to go for things I really like. A lot of my beautiful pear tree’s leaves are covered in bright pink blisters, which the internet tells me is pear blister mite and, short […]


The blue bed is DONE! Yippeeeeeeee!!!!! It took me 6 hours and I hurt all over. I am going to have the longest, hottest shower, a glass of something lovely and a stonkingly good dinner. I have earned it. It’s not so much digging as hoiking out a spit or […]